
I just thought that I would share this with anyone reading this blog. Its pretty funny... I came up with it on one of my favorite forums.

Background- I read comic books, in fact I have recently returned to them. One of my favorites so far is the Ultimates...

Now this bit of mine is spoilerish but not surprising. As anyone who reads the Ultimates knows Bruce Banner was executed for the murders he commited as the Hulk a while back or at least they tried to. Now in Ultimates 2 #11 Bruce Banner is back.

oh btw, Ultimate Nick Fury is modeled on Samuel L Jackson

This is an excerpt from Congressional testimoney into the Hulk execution incident.

Senator xxxxxxx "General Fury, it is patently obvious that SHIELD and the Ultimates perpertrated a fraud upon the American people. Bruce Banner, the so-called Hulk, was sentenced to death, a sentence that you General Fury assured the President and the Attorney General as well as the American people that you could carry out. Now in light of this new evidence, the only conclu.....

Fury, "New Evidence my big black ass. The only conclusion that we could reach based on any evidence is the the so-mother fucking called Hulk is one tough mother fucker.... We droped a nuclear bomb on his ass. You dig that? A mother fucking, fuckity god damned nuclear fucking bomb. And the mother fucker lived. Now suck on that evidence Senator."